Proyecto Fondecyt Iniciación 11160325 "Origin and distribution of lithium in brine deposits and other potential reservoirs of the Atacama Desert, northern Chile". Investigadora Responsable.
Núcleo Milenio Trazadores de Metales en Zonas de Subducción (NMTM) NC130065 (Dr. Martin Reich). Investigadora Joven.
Proyecto VRID 216.025.037-1.0IN “Geoquímica de los reservorios superficiales de litio en el Desierto de Atacama, norte de Chile”
Tapia J., González R., Townley B., Oliveros V., Álvarez F., Agular G., Menzies A., Calderón M. (2018) Geology and geochemistry of the Atacama Desert. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 1-19. doi: 10.1007/s10482-018-1024-x
Godfrey L.V. and Álvarez-Amado F. (2020) Volcanic and Saline Lithium Inputs to the Salar de Atacama. Minerals, 10(2), 201. doi: 10.3390/min10020201
Álvarez F., Reich M., Pérez-Fodich A., Snyder G. T., Muramatsu Y., Vargas G., y Fehn U. Iodine budget in surface waters from Atacama: natural and anthropogenic iodine sources revealed by halogen geochemistry and iodine-129 isotopes. Applied Geochemistry 68, 53 - 63.
Álvarez F., Reich M., Pérez-Fodich A., Snyder G. T., Muramatsu Y., Vargas G., y Fehn U. (2016) Iodine budget in surface waters from Atacama: natural and anthropogenic iodine sources revealed by halogen geochemistry and iodine-129 isotopes. Applied Geochemistry 68, 53 - 63.
Álvarez F., Reich M., Pérez-Fodich A., Snyder G. T., Muramatsu Y., Vargas G., y Fehn U. (2015) Sources, sinks and long-term cycling of iodine in the hyperarid Atacama continental margin. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 161, 50 - 70.
Pérez-Fodich A., Reich M., Álvarez F., Snyder G. T., Schoenberg R., Vargas G., Muramatsu Y. y Fehn U. (2014) Climate change and tectonic uplift triggered the formation of the Atacama Desert’s giant nitrate deposits. Geology 42, 251-254.
Reich M., Snyder G. T., Álvarez F., Pérez A., Palacios C., Vargas G., Cameron E. M., Muramatsu Y. y Fehn U. (2013) Using iodine isotopes to constrain supergene fluid sources in arid regions: insights from the Chuquicamata oxide blanket. Econ. Geol. 108, 163-171.